
Idrostop pvc

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Water Proofing

Idrostop pvc

For waterproofing expansion and cold joints in new or existing civil, industrial and hydraulic constructions.

Idrostop PVC is a highly exible waterstop made from high-quality thermo-plastic vinyl resins, which form a product withgood resistance to mechanical stresses, the aggressive action of chemical products in alkaline environments, sea-waterand acids.Idrostop PVC is used within concrete structures and is highly resistant to perishing caused by sunlight, ozone and otheraggressive agents present in the atmosphere and water table.The dimensions and type of Idrostop PVC used for each application generally depends on the following parameters:· type of structure;· amount and type of movements predicted (no movement, axial movement, a combination of axial and transversalmovements, etc.);· thickness of the cast concrete.

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