
Dynamon SR 345

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Admixtures for Concrete

Dynamon SR 345

Modified acrylic-based super-plasticiser to maintain the workability of concrete

Because of its high workability property (S4 or S5 consistency class according to EN 206-1), concrete made with DynamonSR345 is easy to apply while fresh and offers high mechanical performance once hardened.Dynamon SR345 is particularly recommended for the ready-mixed concrete sector and whenever a considerablereduction in mixing water is required, coupled with excellent maintenance of the workability of concrete in the variousconsistency classes.The characteristics of Dynamon SR345 make it particularly suitable for self-compacting concrete, in that it guaranteeshigh plasticity without slowing down development of the strength of the concrete after short curing cycles.The most common use of Dynamon SR345 is in the production of ready-mixed concrete:· with high mechanical performance and extended conservation of workability;· in strength class R 25-50 N/mm²;· for waterproof, durable applications in the exposure classes dened in EN 206-1;· self-compacting concrete

Technical Data: Appearance:liquid Colour:amber Density according to ISO 758 (g/cm³):1.10 ± 0.02 at +20°C Main action: to increase workability and/or reduce the amount ofmixing water required and to maintain workability for longperiods Classication according to EN 934-2:high-efciency, super-plasticising water-reducing settingretardant, according to tables 11.1 and 11.2 Water-soluble chloride content according to EN 480-10(%):< 0.1 (absent according to EN 934-2) Alkali content (equivalent Na₂O) according to EN 480-12(%):< 2.5pH according to ISO 4316:6.0 ± 1.0.

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